Get Started With A Free 8 Hour NDG Linux Unhatched Course 您所在的位置:网站首页 linux cp -rf为什么还是会提示 Get Started With A Free 8 Hour NDG Linux Unhatched Course

Get Started With A Free 8 Hour NDG Linux Unhatched Course

2024-05-30 17:05| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

The “Start From Scratch” Linux Course

Ever considered a career in Linux? Or, stuck in a dead-end job and exploring options for a career change? NDG Linux Unhatched allows students to wade into the shallow end of Linux, the back-end operating system used by global titans such as Facebook, Google, Microsoft, NASA, Tesla, Amazon and more.

Graduates walk away with a clear understanding of whether Linux is for them or not, without having to commit to more than 8 total hours of self-paced learning. To ensure you don’t get stuck, you’ll be guided step-by-step through a series of hands-on virtual machine activities. The course aligns well with a portion of the Linux exam objectives found in the LPI Linux Essentials Exam Certification. After this course, we suggest taking either NDG Linux Essentials or NDG Linux I.

You'll Learn These Core Skills:

Basic installation and configuration of Linux software. Understand the basics of the Linux Command Line Interface (CLI). Interact with the Linux virtual machine. Determine if Linux is for you or not.

This course is developed in collaboration with NDG






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